
This is a super special blog post, 
I prefer to write it in Bahasa Indonesia, 
but the English version still written 
at the end of this blog post.
Don't worry :)


Sepertinya yulia harus berhenti memelihara kaktus, dalam waktu dua bulan 2 kaktus mati sudah di kamar kosnya.

Kaktus pertama. Kaktus pertama mati dalam waktu seminggu saja setelah kebersamaan mereka dan meninggalkan luka menganga lebar tersodok pegangan kuas pemerah pipinya ketika mbak Nem, sebut saja begitu, membantunya merapikan kamar. Menyedihkan memang karena kaktusnya mati di tangan orang lain, tapi toh itu kuas pemerah pipinya, oh la la apa mau dikata.

Kaktus kedua. Seminggu kemudian Yulia bertemu kaktus baru namun sayang seribu sayang kaktus kedua mati sendiri beberapa hari setelah yulia tak sengaja menjatuhkannya dari atas meja. Kebersamaan mereka lumayan lama, lebih dari sebulan tapi mungkin memang belum berjodoh, yulia harus rela menyaksikan kaktusnya sekarat dari hari ke hari semenjak terjatuh dari meja.

Tapi kesempatan akan selalu ada kalau Yulia mau, meskipun bukan lagi kaktus-kaktus yang sama. Yulia harus percaya kesempatan untuknya masih ada asalkan Yulia lebih berhati-hati dan berjanji tidak akan berhenti mencintai kaktus, semoga kaktus berikutnya bisa bertahan hingga berbunga untuk Yulia.

Dan ....

ya, kemarin yulia bertemu kaktus yang lain di sebuah pasar ketika ia hendak membeli mawar. Yang membuat yulia senang bukan kepalang adalah kaktusnya akan segera berbunga. Yes, berbunga! Karena yang yulia tahu, kaktus biasanya baru bisa berbunga dalam hitungan tahun, dan kaktus yang berdiri di hadapannya akan segera berbunga, tentu saja kaktus itu super mega berhasil membuat yulia merogoh kantong uangnya. Meskipun sebenarnya ia masih takut, takut kalau-kalau tidak bisa menjaga kaktus barunya. Yah, semacam semacam orang yang belum move on tapi sudah pacaran lagi. ehm.

Benar saja beberapa hari kemudian si kaktus berbunga, warnanya pink keunguan, cantik sekali, yulia membayangkan bunga kaktus itu seperti pita di kepala anak perempuan. Cantik. Imajinya tidak berhenti sampai di sana, kemudian yulia menaruh kepala seorang wanita cantik di atas kaktusnya (lihat foto di bagian bawah setelah menyelesaikan membaca paragraf ini), whooaaah, sekarang kaktusnya terlihat seperti a super mega fashionable haute couture yang dikenakan oleh seorang beautiful lady, a cacti lady :D


Ohhhh, klimaks!


(The End)

English description:

I killed two cacti during 2 months of our togetherness. The first one died right after someone hit my cactus with my blush on brush, while my second cactus which I bought a week after dying day by day after I dropped them from the table. Actually I would like to stop taking care of cacti because I am affraid I am going to do something wrong and killed another cactus but oh I just I can't help myself to have another one if I find the right one later :D

And yesterday I found a new cactus, I was so lucky that the cactus has flowers on it and about to bloom. And then not waiting for so long my new cactus bloomed. Alhamdulillah. Really love to see the super mini pink mixed purple flower on my cactus since I ever read that usually cactus can produce a flower after years. Gotta take care of my new cactus more carefully.

And look at the last picture, my cactus looks like a super mega awesome haute couture wore by a beautiful lady, a cacti lady :)

Please kindly follow my blog if you like my
blog post - Cacti Lady

Following my heart,

Yulia Rahmawati

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11 comment

  1. Murdering cactuses isn't easy. I thought it was my unique speciality. This post of yours robs me of my one claim to fame :(. I have to admit you're better. Much better at killing them.

    Okay, let bygones be bygones. I can actually see your new plant & flower will stay with you for a long, very long time. It's definitely in love with you actually. And I believe love is mutual :). Though it's slightly disturbing this cactus is female. Or so it seems....

  2. @Colson: hahah, thank you Colson, sorry I beat you last time :p

  3. @theclothespaper: oh der, your comment make me feel so :'(

  4. you're so creative!♥ love the cacti lady! :)

  5. kaktusnya jadi putri..

  6. aku juga melihara kaktus tapi mati :)

  7. well, plants are hard to take care of, I've killed a cactus once too :(

  8. too beautiful! the flower on the cactus! XD
    you're so creative with the draw, kak.
    when I was a child, I have a sunflower field, just 2x1 m in our yard. they grow until about 1m, and I love them. Unfortunately there aren't pictures of them and we're moved to a new house.
    Is it hard to take care a cactus, kak? I want to have them too whenever I see a cute cactuses on sunday market.
    visit my little cream button instagram

  9. you are so creative love you blog and the songs


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