
Got gift from the owner of my boarding house, Bakpia Merlino, she was just got back from Jogja aka Yogyakarta - one of province in Indonesia. I decided to take pictures of the bakpia first since I found the packaging is really tempting and cute with red colour and scallop pattern on its cover. Beside that I love taking pictures and documenting simple things around me, this kind of action really helps to sharpen my photography taste. By the way I couldn't wait to eat my bakpia while taking the pictures. Yes, it is so delicious. Bakpia Merlino available in different choice of tastes, mine was cheese, while there are another tastes like chocolate, milk, durian, cappucino, and green tea.

Ibu kos saya baru pulang dari Jogja, kali ini beliau membawa oleh-oleh Bakpia Merlino. Bunda Wati, begitu saya memanggilnya, selalu membawa buah tangan untuk kami para penghuni kos-kosannya setiap kali beliau bepergian ke luar maupun dalam negeri. Pagi kemarin ketika membuka pintu kamar, saya melihat kotak merah cantik di meja ruang tamu, ternyata Bakpia Merlino. Saya suka sekali warna dan desain packaging bakpianya. Segera saja saya ambil kamera, mendokumentasikan, mengasah kepekaan fotografi saya, sebelum mencicipi beberapa bakpia rasa keju. Bakpia Merlino kejunya enak sekali :D Di kotaknya ditulis ada rasa lain juga, kacang hijau, cappucino, teh hijau, coklat, dan lain-lain. Nanti kalau ke Jogja mungkin saya akan mencoba bakpia merlino rasa teh hijau. FYI, saya sangat tergila-gila pada segala jenis makanan dan minuman yang mengandung teh hijau dalam komposisinya. Terima kasih Bunda Wati :D

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Following my heart,

Yulia Rahmawati

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14 comment

  1. Hi There! My name is Wijna, from Jogja. I never heard about Bakpia Merlino before. Looking from its address it is not located on central of Bakpia factory at Jl. Bridgen Katamso (also known as Jl. Pathuk).

    It also has uncommon name. Because commonly Bakpia labelled by number such as Bakpia 37, Bakpia 25, Bakpia 75, and so on.

    But indeed, it has very unique packaging. Dominantly red with gold accent, its likely resembling Chinese color. Oh yeah, it is Chinese people who invented Bakpia in Jogja.

    Hope that someday you'll have a chance to visit Jogja and shop Bakpia until you drop.

  2. @Wijna: hai, yes it is, this is my first time eating bakpia merlino.

  3. You're lucky with your landlord as well as with this tasty Bakpia :).

    And the box and it's content are miraculously photogenic on top of that also :).

  4. i know right how unbearable cheese is @__@

  5. Those look so good (:


  6. yang rasa kacang ijo yang paling enak :9

  7. I love bakpias too. They're just so good!!

  8. I've never hear of bakpia actually! But I must admit just the pictures alone look mouthwatering.:D And this package makes for a perfect girt, right.;)

  9. Hey kak , really fun when i stop ur blog. Bakpia look so delicious, but dunno why most favorit bakpia is bakpia pia.

    Jadi bakpia pia ini rasanya macem2 kak,ada rasa durian coklat dan lain-lain. Gak tau kenapa, echa gak suka bakpia kacang hijau.

    Someday hope can meet ka Yulia in Yogya ya :))


  10. Ah bakpia merk ini kok baru denger ya,biasanya saya beli yg merknya ada angkanya heheheh paling suka yg rada keju mhhhh jd pengen ke yogya :)


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