
Daily Hijab Style: LES JOURS TRISTES


My mood today is really into Les Jours Tristes by Yann Tiersen. I've been repeating the instrument like thousand times since last night until this morning. Les Jours Tristes is one of original soundtrack from Le Fabuleux Destin d'Am élie Poulain movie. I love the character of Amélie in that movie, she is different. She enjoy making other people feels happy and at the end she have to struggle for her own happiness. I found some part of myself in Amélie's character, her imagination, the way she looks at things around her, how she is just okay repeating the same things that she likes so much, until the way she imagined herself as the character at a movie while she is watching television, she build her own world, and oh little Amélie loves taking pictures with her camera given by her Mom. I suggest you to watch this French movie and don't blame me if you fall in love with Amélie.

Spending my morning at my room, turning Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting book pages while sipping a glass of green tea flavour milk. I've been watching blossomed beautiful orange flowers in front of my window for two weeks and this morning I could not help myself to pick some to complete my Les Jours Tristes mood. And then took pictures of myself wearing SAY Hijab as turban, oh do not forget to check their facebook this afternoon. SAY Hijab is going to launch their new collection soon this afternoon. You will find so many beautiful pattern shawl to complete your shawl collection.

What @Ladyulia wore on her daily hijab style - 
Les Jours Tristes:
// SAY Hijab Pattern Scarf used as turban// 
Keeprun Men's Fashion Shirt // (X)S.M.L neck black shawl //
// Unbranded overall // 

Check SAY Hijab facebook here
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Say nothing but SAY Hijab :)

Please kindly follow my blog if you like my blog post: 
Daily Hijab Style: LES JOURS TRISTES

Following my heart,

Yulia Rahmawati

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23 comment

  1. Just like you I -some years ago- fell in love with Amelie - and the fabulous actress Audrey Tautou.

    By the way French cinema is very worthwhile. In my opinion one of the best films of last year - perhaps even one of the best feel-good films of last decade- is "Intouchables" (moving and funny more or less like Le fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain is moving and funny).

  2. Kawaiii ^_^


  3. You are stunning! I love your styles and photography. x


  4. bagus sekali fhotonya outfitnya juga ciamikk

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  6. You are so so intriguing and your look and style is amazingly unique! Love reading your blog!!

    Lauren at adorn la femme

  7. wow your blog is more awesome than before! i really enjoy your pictures :)

  8. hello dear thanks for stumbling by my blog! am love with your hijab style! wonder if you have any links or have done a video on how to wear your turban? :)

    xoxo, Alee



  10. love your style!:) the clothes look so comfy and artistic! I'm following you on facebook (petra lorencova), you can follow me back ;) love,


    My Facebook page

  11. You're adorable. I love Amelie. Not related but have you watched 'Bonjour tristesse' or read the book? I love that one for some reason. French stories are so beautiful and sad.

    xo Joana
    Grow In Fashion

  12. Ngahh even though i don't wear hijab, i love this look. And the photoshoot is understated--which is good. <3

    Cheers from Jakarta,

  13. nice concept kak :3
    thanks for comment on my blog


  14. the book seems to be cool

  15. WOW! Really lovely blog! Love your style!

  16. Sounds like a very relaxing day for you! Lovely photos.

  17. these are quite stunning images!!! :D love how you captured them!! :D

    Click me for my Blog!

  18. Lovely pictures. I'd really like to read that book, it is definitely something I'd find interesting.

  19. Oh, I'd love to spend a quiet, relaxing day in my room like you did. With a turban on my head looking fabulous too.:)

  20. adorable shots!!



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