
Daily Hijab Style: Monochromatic DREAMS


Trying to see who am I in monochromatic ways. I'm still looking for identity, I'm not sure who I really am since I got so many passion related to all delight things offered by this world. I am easily attracted to many things, such children, photography, art, fashion, environment, culture, even sometimes politic and of course God. But I don't get my self to decide which one is my super big passion in this life. I think I'm too busy to know everything so that I forgot to focus to one of them. I am 23 now and am I did wrong that in my ages I'm still does not know yet who I wanna be? Well, I wanna be a millionaire of course but does not know yet through what way. Teehee. All I know for sure is I am a dreamer. 

Life goes hard day by day, hard here means people keep asking me who am I which I never really think about it seriously before. I never questioning who are you Yulia Rahmawati, what do you want, what are you going to be, and some question like that. My teachers at Kelas Pagi Jakarta waking me up from my too chill out life, that I should know who am I. So, after all eventhough I'm still guessing all the answer for who am I question I finally found pieces of myself one by one. I conclude that I do have lotsa passion in life, and I am sure that I can reach them one by one, some can reached easily, and some are not. But still I am a dreamer, I believe that there is always be a way as long as I am keep walking and dreaming.

Heaven knows! InsyaAllah.

On @Ladyulia: // Scarf used as hijab: Balenciaga // Inner Hijab: Unbranded // Stripes tee: Navy // Black Cardigan: Topshop // Tangerine Pants: Sfera Joven // Audrey Hepburn Necklace: Naughty

Say nothing but SAY Hijab :)
to share about dreams
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Follow your heart!
Yulia Rahmawati

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5 comment

  1. I didn't have a clue when I was your age, either.

  2. keep calm and carry on kak Yulia :D
    nice captured btw :)

  3. Nice pic ,following you now....

  4. Agree with Jen. As you obviously are not a one track pony. You're a very promising multi-talented artist.

    Probably you should take Rini's advice ad heart - carry on and keep true to your many passions.


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