


Met my senior high school mate, Aprida Sondang. We went to thrift store and then spend the rest of the day by hunting some photos at the street and then at the end of the day we spend our time at Dunkin Donuts and Es Teler 77. So tired but I'm so happy. Especially when I visited one of the store at the mall and then the workers at Naughty Store asked me to taught them to wear hijab like me. Kyaa, feels like famous hijabers when gave them hijab tutorial :) Most of them wearing hijab outside the store or when they are not on the job. I told them they are so beautiful when wearing hijab. I feel touched when one of the workers who does not wear hijab outside working time told me that she want to share my hijab tutorial with her mother. Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah today I can share with others. I am sooooooo happy, too happy maybe :) And oh I can't stop smiling when sharing with them. Too bad I have no photos of my very first hijab tutorial at Atrium Naughty Store because people are not allowed to take photos inside the store.

By the way seeing my photos and Pida, surprised me how fast the time is running that both of us looks so mature in our black and white photos. Heheh. But I love it so much. We love it! Too bad my another high school mate couldn't joint us. Hope we can gather completely another times. How I miss you, Guys! 

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Yulia Rahmawati

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8 comment

  1. @Mbak Lidya: ehehe, sebenarnya ada banyak kebahagiaan mbak, tapi yang tertangkap sama kamera cuma ini :p

  2. aaah, always love your photography kakak
    sukaa banget sama foto yang terakhir <3

  3. Ah, girls happily sweeping the town :)

    As for your lessons, your Hijab style makes girls look great and beautiful ( though of course girls without hijab are great and beautiful too :))

  4. you should post the tutorial here then kak :))
    gonna anticipated for that kkkkk

  5. wah, blogger phography ya kak? salam kenal ya...


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