


I googled many things and then I surprisingly end up with Avril Lavigne looks in her video clip - Goodbye. I heart Avril Lavigne since her first album because I loves her skater girl style. At my age that time ( I was just in junior high school), her style was super cool. Because yes for your information I am a tomboy girl before (too bad I can't show you any photos, but I have one at my teenage diary. I'll show you my tomboy style someday). I used boys t-shirt, big boys baggy jeans, studded bracelets and others boys things. I hate every girls stuff, pinky lala things, such as skirt, fitted jeans, girls t-shirt, dress, every girls stuff. That is why when Avril showing up at the music industry I become her huge fans. That time for me Avril Lavigne has an awesome fashion style yet a super fancy album through her music. And yes, I also learned to play skate board a little because of Avril Lavigne. LOL.
And then after Avril fabulous album, she is a little bit vacuuming from the music industry if I'm not in mistaken or I am who is a little bit vacuming from watching how the music industry growing up? And then suddenly my Avril Lavigne came up more girly with pink tutu skirt and hair adds-on. Also I heard that Avril Lavigne has her own clothing line. I love the way she combined her skater looks with girls things. Such a sweet skater girl. 
But this time, in this Goodbye video clip Avril Lavigne totally looks different. I start thinking that Avril changed herself  become more girly because of her boyfriend become her husband, Deryck Whibley, you know people changes alot when they are in love right? But unfortunately they are divorced. Well it is just my interpretation from Avril's Goodbye video. Because at the end of the clip Avril open her blonde curly wig and shows her real hair. I can see the old Avril Lavigne that I adore so much long time ago. Well whatever the meaning of her video, I pray the best for her. Here's the video:

And this is my another random hijab daily style to go somewhere. A little bit rockin' isn't it?
Veil: LY
Top: Queen
Vest: Levi's
Bag: Unbranded
Jeans: Heats
Gladiator Wedges: The Sandals
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Dance with me!
Yulia Rahmawati

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6 comment

  1. aaah. really curious about your tomboy style when you were in junior high school :'3

  2. hahhaa..setuju...tapi emg doi sekarang udah dewasa..tuntutan trend sana juga kynya...

    btw klo nge fans sama avril gabung aja ke komunitas Crossbonez jakarta di facebook..sering ngadain gathering juga kok...akustikan bareng dan karaokean bareng

  3. Nice style,
    saya selalu kagum dengan wanita yang menggunakan hijab dan menutupi auratnya .




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