ON|OFF Id / PESTA BLOGGER 12/03/2011 See ya at ON|OFF Id, Guys :) Woohoo! Share This Story Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pin this Post Tags: Yulia Rahmawati ← Previous Story Next Story → You Might Also Like HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020KULIT GLOWING DENGAN TREATMENT DI O...MAKAN ENAK SAMBIL BERBAGI KEBAIKAN ... 7 comment colsonDecember 3, 2011 at 6:47 PMRasuna?Alas, alas. Today My epicentrum is some 12000 km north-east of that spot.Hope you have a great time :).ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyLidya FitrianDecember 5, 2011 at 9:45 AMwah Yulia datang ya ke acara ONOFF, aku diajakin tapi gak bisa nih ada acara disekolahnya pascalReplyDeleteRepliesReplyAndyDecember 5, 2011 at 10:47 AMaku kagak datang kemaren,soalnya ngrusin masalah arisan keluarga,hehehtapi tenang sudah diwakili sama perusahaan tempat aku kerja,karena masuk nominasi start up local,hehehReplyDeleteRepliesReplynurrahmanDecember 6, 2011 at 6:34 AMwwah datang ke on off kemarin eaa, ditunggu posting nya hehehe :D. karna saia ga ikutan neeh :DReplyDeleteRepliesReplyPrinting MachineDecember 7, 2011 at 1:47 PMaduh gk ikutan gara2 ada acara keluarga..padahal pingin dateng..Ditunggu yah ceritanya.ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyROe SalampessyDecember 7, 2011 at 1:57 PMwuih, datang yah?aku juga datang.. sayang yah gak ketemu. hehehe..kayaknya wajahmu gak asing deh di onoff kemarin. hehe..ReplyDeleteRepliesReplydevishantyDecember 7, 2011 at 11:57 PMpadahal epicentrum dari kosan gue tinggal ngesot hehehe tapi gue malah lagi pulkam ke bandung :Pbtw, still remember me? :DReplyDeleteRepliesReplyAdd commentLoad more... hello...thx for droppin' by at my blogI would love to receive ur comment,,,And I would really love if you wanna exchange link with me,,,xoxo YULIA RAHMAWATI Get Up,Survive, Go Back To The Bed
7 comment
ReplyDeleteAlas, alas. Today My epicentrum is some 12000 km north-east of that spot.
Hope you have a great time :).
wah Yulia datang ya ke acara ONOFF, aku diajakin tapi gak bisa nih ada acara disekolahnya pascal
ReplyDeleteaku kagak datang kemaren,soalnya ngrusin masalah arisan keluarga,heheh
ReplyDeletetapi tenang sudah diwakili sama perusahaan tempat aku kerja,karena masuk nominasi start up local,heheh
wwah datang ke on off kemarin eaa, ditunggu posting nya hehehe :D. karna saia ga ikutan neeh :D
ReplyDeleteaduh gk ikutan gara2 ada acara keluarga..
ReplyDeletepadahal pingin dateng..
Ditunggu yah ceritanya.
wuih, datang yah?
ReplyDeleteaku juga datang.. sayang yah gak ketemu. hehehe..
kayaknya wajahmu gak asing deh di onoff kemarin. hehe..
padahal epicentrum dari kosan gue tinggal ngesot hehehe tapi gue malah lagi pulkam ke bandung :P
ReplyDeletebtw, still remember me? :D
thx for droppin' by at my blog
I would love to receive ur comment,,,
And I would really love if you wanna exchange link with me,,,
Get Up,Survive, Go Back To The Bed